Emotions are impalpable: they have flavor, perfume and color. They are the result of sensory stimuli coming from the outside, which we perceive through the senses. Then, the brain does the rest, processing the information and connecting it with our most primitive part, thus generating emotions. The smell of coffee has a very powerful effect on our brain, and brings numerous beneficial effects, even before tasting it.
Smell and emotions
When it comes to emotions, no stimulus is more powerful than the olfactory one: the oldest sense. The sense of smell is capable of preserving memories for a long time, which come back to mind, thanks to odorous stimuli, awakening emotions. This is because it is the sense that has the most connections with the limbic system, our emotional part. Just smelling a scent brings out memories that we thought were forgotten.
The close relationship between the limbic system and smell explains why smells are so linked to our primary impulses, such as the search for food. Indeed, a pleasant smell can stimulate the appetite, and the intensity of olfactory perception changes depending on whether a person is full or hungry.
The smell of coffee provides a good mood
A recent study has brought out the power of the smell of coffee on our brain: it seems to be able to enhance cognitive processes and provide a "good mood".
The smell of coffee, even before tasting it, causes pleasure, just think of the effect that its scent in the morning, when it invades the house, has on our mood. This is because smell, starting from the olfactory epithelium, is able to connect two very different areas of the brain: the cerebral cortex and the limbic system , the most emotional and primitive part.
But there's more, the smell of coffee makes us feel good, thanks to a sort of "placebo effect" which causes the release of "therapeutic" substances into the body.a molecule that has positive effects on the nervous system.
What effect does caffeine have on our brain?
In addition to increasing the levels of adrenaline in the blood and stimulating the activity of norepinephrine and dopamine , two neurotransmitters that instill "well-being", caffeine also manages to inhibit the effects of adenosine , which increases the feeling of tiredness. For this reason, coffee gives us energy and "wakes us up".
And which Caffè Borbone blend do you love to get entranced with?